Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Birthday

I decided last year that my birthday present to myself every year will be a trip to see John Mayer perform, even if that is in a place like, say, North Dakota or Tennessee. It worked out great last year because he was performing in Saratoga Springs, NY, just a short three-hour drive from here. Unfortunately, his tour this summer ended at the beginning of August. So, obviously, I realized that there was a big flaw in my birthday ritual after only one year.

In trying to find something else to do for my birthday, my friend, Allison, invited me to go camping with her. (I may have invited myself, but she left the door wide open for it!) She already had a trip out to Greenport on Long Island planned, so Kathy (pictured here) and I tagged along. It was my first camping trip in.... a long time. On my actual birthday, we went to the beach, ate barbeque and cooked s'mores (over a sterno that I stole from work, no campfire for us city girls). We also slept in a tent and showered in a public bathroom. You win some, you lose some.

One of the highlights for me was the rental car. I went to pick up the car, which was supposed to be some kind of economy car. I'm not sure why, but the car rental guy charged us for a piece of crap but gave us a Mustang!

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