Friday, September 7, 2007

I have a new convert

I gave my friend, Heidi, the first season of "Arrested Development" on DVD a few weeks ago. We went to see a movie last weekend and the trailer showed a movie starring Will Arnett (GOB). She leaned over and said, "That guy looks familiar, who is he?" I responded, "The fact that you are asking me that question means that you have not watched 'Arrested Development' yet and you need to do that STAT!" So she started watching last night, and, of course, loves it, because what's not to love? I have converted lots of people to AD. If only I could have done that on my mission, it would have been so much easier!

1 comment:

mkgs - old friend said...

ok, you've got me hooked on your blog. either you are a good writer or i just miss you to death - well, maybe its a combo of both.
anyway, keep it coming.

ps. you're gorgeous in these pics!