Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the joys of commuting

My friend, Jeremy, often posts little annoyances that happen during his commute on his blog, so I thought I'd follow suit.

Yesterday, I was headed towards the subway. My stop is deep in the pit of despair, and one must take an elevator down, down, down to catch the train. We have a choice of three elevators... one is manned by a very sleepy person who gets paid to press his/her choice of two buttons, one unmanned elevator is very slow to close, and one unmanned elevator that is very quick to close. On this particular morning, the quick elevator opened and, usually, I would run to catch it, but there were two people in front of me and I calculated that I would have enough time to catch it without even having to call out "Hold the doors!" When I am literally about 2 steps in front of the elevator doors, the woman, who was the first to arrive, says, "Hurry up, Princess. We are trying to get to work." I just looked at her, thought about saying something back, like, "You're a bigger one!" but decided it wasn't worth it. The man, who was the second to arrive, just had this look on his face, like, "Is she freakin' kidding?" and looked at me with a sympathetic look. When we get downstairs, there is a train there, and she starts running. I, of course, can tell by the sound that it is the uptown train and therefore do not bother to run (see how I calculate every moment of my commute?). She then starts chatting it up with a homeless person. And that's Monday morning.


Valerie said...

Really? She actually said Princess? I would have laughed in her face, what a weirdo!

Esther said...

You're a bigger one is always the right response. :)