Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I know I'm annoying...

Today, I was talking to my sister on the phone, and she said, "I don't like people telling me what to do." Since I was at work, I didn't want to talk about a work issue that happened this week in front of work people, but I said those exact same words on Monday. Basically, our executive director called and told me I had to do something. I sort of thought he was telling me he wanted me to do it. In a conversation with my director, I found out later that he was telling me I had to do it. So, my response to my director was, "I don't like people telling me what to do." I guess I'm not used to it because I have had the same supervisor for 7 years and the same director for almost 12, and they do not approach things that way.

Anyway, later in the day, I was waiting in the line at the post office, which is always out the door and always really slow-moving, so I decided to call Valerie back and tell her my story of being told what to do. After a couple of minutes, the guy in front of me in line said, "If you want to go outside and have your conversation, I'll hold your place in line for you." I responded by saying, "That's okay." He insisted, "No, really, I don't mind." I said, "No, really, that's okay." I am pretty sure that he didn't get that I understood that he wasn't just trying to be nice, that he really wanted me to go outside, because he said, " I would be happy to do that and I promise I will let you right back in line where you were. I don't really want to hear about your work..." but since I'm not retarded, I got the subtlety of his request, but still, wasn't going outside. I went back to my conversation, but got off quickly, which was what I planned to do anyway, but now it was made longer by me saying, "Can you believe that just happened? He was trying to tell me what to do!!"

He was called up soon after that, and then came my turn. As we are standing at opposite sides of the room, I hear him say, "I just got in an argument with that nice lady." I am only assuming he's telling the postal workers that they should have a no cell phone policy. But if he has spent any time in that particular post office, he will know that those people could not care less about anything he has to say. It's probably true about most post offices, at least in New York.

The thing is, I totally agree that cell phones are annoying. I know when I am in line or on the street or the bus or the nail salon that I hate hearing people's conversations. However, standing in line at the post office is annoying, too, and this way, at least, I'm not just standing there. I'm getting something done that I want to get done. Also, this is the world we live in now. It is a world of cell phones and annoying cell phone talkers and this idiot is just going to have to get used to it.


May! said...

I totally just tune out the people on their cell phones ... OR I eavesdrop and blog about it later! Now THAT's the world we live in.

Oh, I found your blog through Leolani's blog, by the way.

Esther said...

Sometimes I like overhearing people's conversations if they are messed up enough! Remember when i followed that guy down 9th because he was talking about his terrible life to his friend and I wanted to keep listening?

One Sassy Princess said...

I find listening to others conversations can be entertianing and kills time. He was the rude one to insist--and then to rat you out to the postal workers--has he not heard of people going postal. Maybe he needs to be the one who watches what he tells people in the post office. If I have a free moment with nothing to do but sit ion my car,, wait in a line--then I too use my phone--it is called multi tasking.

Sorry about my rant!

One Sassy Princess said...

btw--you are far from annoying. If you need proof call me and I will let you know my week!!!

Sara M said...

Isn't that what cell phones are for? If you have never annoyed someone with a cell phone you haven't lived yet.
Darwin couldn't get some people off the phone long enough to give them tickets.
You go girl.