Women selling their vegetables...
Weaving and selling baskets...
Honey.... I have never seen honey like this. It was in big chunks with bees all over. I tried not to panic. Here is the first of many children that came up and asked to have their picture taken. Because some children ask for money afterwards, I always said "No money." Usually they looked at me and just kept posing, so I never knew if they understood or not. They obviously know that the tourists love their little faces and want to remember them always, because we were swarmed by children wherever we went.
In addition to adorable children, there are cows all over the streets in India. Although I think I had heard this beforehand, it was still shocking to see them sitting in the middle of a busy street, eating garbage, moving out of the way when a car honked at them, etc.
So, the story of the spices.... first I was looking for green cardamom for Milena. I went up to one of the vendors and asked him for cardamom, since I didn't even know what it looked like. He gave me a little bag of it, and I know I'm supposed to bargain with him, but when he said the bag was $4, I decided it wasn't worth trying. After looking around a bit more I found another vendor and got a few different spices to bring home for Jill. I bought curry, chili powder and something else that I don't know but should figure out before I give to her. For all three I spent.... 60 cents!! I guess that first guy was really happy to run across this stupid American!!
I can't believe the number of chilies for sale--that's crazy! I would totally panic with the bees.
I LOVE these stories. AMAZING. I am jealous and glad that I can live vicariously through you. Can't wait to sit and chat about it. xo
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