Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Room with a Vew

I love the window in my office, and it's especially lovely this time of year because of this beautiful tree. Honestly. It makes me so happy.

When our building was still being renovated, my coworkers and I went and picked out our offices. As soon as I saw this one, I knew this was the one for me, but was too afraid to say anything because I figured everyone would want it. I was the lowest on the totem pole, so I figured I wouldn't get what I wanted. But everyone liked different things about their offices -- one person picked a different office because it was about one foot wider, another person liked the view from a different office (although I think she just wanted to be at the opposite end of the hall from our supervisor). So when it came down to it, we didn't even have to fight over them and I got the one I wanted. Then we moved in and unpacked our boxes and thought we'd never have to move again (this was our third move in less than 5 years).

Two years later... we were told some people from our department were being dispersed and a new program was moving in. It was just me and my supervisor that were left, and we knew they'd be a terrible program to share a floor with. We thought about moving to another floor. In fact, it was my supervisor's idea for us to move. But in the end, I couldn't part with this window and talked her into staying. Now only 18 months later, that program has also moved out.

How glad am I now that I am so stubborn and that I get stuck on material things?

Now they are replacing the windows in our landmark building, which is a huge ordeal, apparently. I had to pack and move out of my office (again! but only temporarily) until they have finished the work. But I don't even mind this time because now my window will be even better because it will open, which will be wonderful on days like today (70 degrees out).

1 comment:

Tracy said...

It's nice to have something to appreciate at work.