Saturday, November 1, 2008

30 Rock quote of the week -- 10/30

I didn't have high hopes for the season premiere, because I heard somewhere that it was only okay and that the second episode returns "30 Rock" to its greatness. But I thought it was a perfect episode!! Here are the things I loved about this episode:

1. Do over!
2. Social workers are always portrayed as humorless and crazy on TV.
3. The soap opera parallel -- and near kiss by Jack and Liz.
4. The return of Devin (although when they first said his name I didn't know who they were talking about. Will I ever stop thinking of him as GOB?)

I have a few quotes that I liked. One is about politics, one is about sex, both of which can offend readers of this blog. So I'll do one of each.

From Jack, which I will dedicate to my niece, who apparantly loves Darth Vader:
I'm not at liberty to discuss that. That information is classified, at least until Cheney dies, which is going to be a long time from now. That man is mostly metal.

And in the first 90 seconds, a John Mayer reference! From Devin: The only thing Kathy and I need assistance with is deciding which John Mayer song to do it to!

Last week, "The Office" had a Bruce Springsteen quote, this week "30 Rock" had a JM quote. It's like they know me personally.

1 comment:

Sally said...

I LOVE 30 Rock! Great quotes!