Saturday, July 13, 2019


On the way to the airport in Oslo, I bought a few things that I miss and I wouldn't be able to get anywhere else.  Here is one of those things.... which their TSI wouldn't let me bring on the plane.  Is Nugatti a liquid or a gel? 

I got to Malmö, where I met up with Julia.  Her niece lives here -- she married a Swede last summer-- so they showed us around.  Julia wanted to go to this clog store, where she bought some super cute clogs like the ones on the sign.  

Love the manhole covers!

on the main street

We stopped in a food hall and had some of the BEST food.  

These "bullar" were so delish!!  

Cardamom and Vanilla Bullar (the first of many cardamom bullar)

It was raining a lot but in the afternoon the sun came out .

As we walked past this restaurant, I knew it looked familiar.  So we took a picture.

This is from 2011 when I was here before!


Valerie said...

That looks so yummy!

Jill said...


shaunacd said...

Was the weather cool or warm? You know I'm always interested in the weather.

sonya d said...

It was cool -- in the 50's. And then it started pouring rain.