Monday, October 8, 2012

30 Rock quote of the week -- 10/4

Jack -- "It's nice to see you back at work, taking advantage of being in the greatest city on earth... despite our tiny, un-American sodas."


Ang said...

One time during lunch with HAP the soda that was provided was so terrible that I ran across the street to buy real soda for us. Yes, that's how addicted we are.

Esther said...

Even though this was one of the first lines of the whole episode, I immediately stood up and got my laptop. Paul asked me what I was doing and I said, "That has to be Sonya's quote of the week." And then I just shut the laptop, I knew there was no need. AND I WAS RIGHT!!!

sonya d said...

You know me too well, Estee.

NOT surpising, Ang!