Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Since when?

Two things have happened recently that are sort of bugging me, and they are kind of connected, and I kind of feel like writing about them and this is the only place I can think of. 

1.  As the bishop of my ward put in his notice that he's leaving the Big Apple, the usual chatter about who will be called next was happening among my friends.  There were two names being brought up by a few different people. So one of the times I was having this speculative conversation, I asked my friend what she thought about this one person who had been named by other people possibly being called to be the new bishop.  She said, "No, he could never be the bishop.  He's way too patriarchal," and then I remembered that she had a run-in with him once because he didn't like the way she was handling her calling. 

Since when is too much patriarchy a problem in our church?  I mean, it's a problem.  For me.  For my friend.  But not for the organization. 

2.   Recently, someone that I know but don't really know but is still one of my "friends" on facebook, posted something.  Basically, he noted that since the Boy Scouts have banned all gay men and teens from participating in their program, that the church should stop their affiliation with the Boy Scouts.  His point is that a gay man/teen can go to church, can hold callings, can go to the temple, can go on ward camp outs, can pray in public, can pass the sacrament, etc. as long as he is "worthy" to do so.  However, he cannot participate in the one major socialization program that the church offers for young men.  Since the Boy Scouts are discriminating against members in good standing, we should not have anything to do with this organization. 

Since when does the church oppose discrimination?  I oppose it.  He opposes it.  But the organization?  Not so much.  Unless we are the ones being discriminated against because of the religion.  Then it's a huge problem.  Otherwise?  Not really. 

On a lighter note, have you seen this?

The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Joanna Brooks
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The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Joanna Brooks Extended Interview Pt. 2
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Ang said...


Thayne said...

I never noticed the Church's Patriarchy Problem until I had four girls of my own. Seeing things from their side/perspective shocked and disturbed me.

sonya d said...

Thayne, that comment does my heart a world of good!

shaunacd said...

I've been trying to understand what you mean by patriarchy. Does this refer to preference for men over women? as in, men holding the priesthood and usually leadership roles? It's very complicated/

sonya d said...

I disagree, mom. It's not complicated at all.