Today I was working with one of my clients, who is three years old. He found my little Yoda figure and started to play with it. When he wasn't looking, I stuck Yoda in my pocket.
It brought to mind a similar incident from a few years ago. One of my clients, with whom I had worked for several years, was moving to Staten Island, so I closed his case. During our last session, I told him he could choose anything from my cabinet to take home. For some reason, he chose a little figure of Greedo. I tried super hard to talk him out of taking it because I knew he probably didn't even know who Greedo was and that it would be lost within the week. As with any 11 year old boy, the more I tried to talk him out of it, the more he wanted it and I gave in. I decided that this was the nicest thing I've done for one of my foster children. However, I won't be that nice again, and therefore, Yoda is safely in my pants pocket.
p.s. Han shot first.