Saturday, February 13, 2010

30 Rock quote of the week -- 2/11

Okay, the whole single-girl-who-hates-Valentine's-day storyline is super played-out. But then again, with Tina Fey doing it, you can't go wrong. After Liz Lemon tells Jack that she plans to get a root canal on Valentine's day, Jack says, "You are truly the Picasso of loneliness."
Liz replies, "Or, I am the elephant painting of being awesome?"


shaunacd said...

wish I could watch those shows with you, Val and Greg. I get more out of those shows, just from your blog. Mom

Equis said...

I think I've maybe watched a handful of 30 Rock and The Office episodes this season. I plan on uploading the ones I've missed to my iPod to watch on my trip to Hawaii in a few weeks.

Speaking of I know you went not too long ago, is there anything you recommend I do or places to eat? I'll be in Oahu.