Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vacation wrap-up part 4 -- movie reviews

1. The Hangover. This is not the type of movie I would normally go to, but it had been getting such good press. Also, I really like Bradley Cooper since his days on Alias, but especially now with his longish hair. I talked Jason into going with me. Ironically, he liked it and I didn't really, for exactly the same reasons I wouldn't normally go to this kind of movie.

2. Whatever Works. In a previous post, I wrote why I wanted to see this movie. I totally get now why Woody Allen didn't make this movie back when he first wrote it. Also, I read an interview with him and he says, "People always look for clues [about me] in my movies … no matter how many times I've told them over the years I make this stuff up."
If you've seen this movie, Manhattan, or Husbands and Wives, and I'm sure there are others, you will see that this man is completely delusional. Even so, I had a few good laughs watching this movie. Larry David is hilarious basically being himself, although doing a sort of Woody Allen impression. Patricia Clarkson is always brilliant and Evan Rachel Wood is pretty good, too. The best part is New York. I really hate how the city is portrayed in most movies today, but this feels pretty authentic to me.

3. On the way to the theater to see Whatever Works, I was given a pass to see Funny People. Usually, I can't see screenings because they start at 5:30 or 6:00, which means I would have to be there to stand in line at 4:00. Standing in line for an hour or so to see a free movie is a great way to spend a vacation day, dontcha think? Anyway, the movie wasn't what I expected at all. I think because it wasn't exactly funny. The best thing I can say about it is that most of the jokes in the trailer are not the same ones that are in the movie. The scenes are the same, but the dialogue is different which is great because even though you know the basic plot of the movie, the lines are all totally fresh. The funniest line of all comes from James Taylor, interestingly enough.

4. My Sister's Keeper was okay. I am not a fan of Cameron Diaz, but she didn't bug me too bad, for once. It's described as a tearjerker, and I'll admit it. I did shed one or two. Which usually means that I loved the movie, but in this case, it was just okay.

So, no rave reviews, but my favorite of these was Funny People. Summer movies are not exactly my favorite.

1 comment:

Equis said...

My sister-in-law had a similar experience with Hangover, she hated it my brother loved it.

I really want to see Funny People. I'd seen an extended trailer before a movie earlier this year and it looked pretty good. Thanks for the reviews!