Monday, April 27, 2020

more springtime pics

The cherry blossoms are out

Tulip season!

On Saturday, my friend and I went to get some treats outside of our neighborhood.  First was Dominique Ansel.  They still let people in the bakery, but everyone has to wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart in line.   This is a pretty small space, so there usually is a long line and a line outside to get in, but not now. 

We wanted to try this new treat they came up with. 

We also went to get some pizza.  This place was a little more cautious.  The only way to get a pizza was to order online, then when it was done, they called us and we had to go to the window and show the email on the phone through the window.  Then they slipped the box under the window that came down like a garage door and was up about 2 feet.  We sat in my friend's car and ate pizza and ice cream.  That's pretty much the most excitement I've had in weeks. 


Valerie said...

Looks SO yummy!

shaunacd said...

Gotta have Some excitement. That Pizza looks wonderful!!