Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stockholm part 3

In Stockholm, most of the bathrooms had been converted to unisex bathrooms.  This was the sign outside the bathroom in one of the museums.  

Julia was determined to get a cake that she remembered from when she lived there.  I think she had this one in mind (Princess cake), but they did not have raspberry or strawberry filing.  She was very disappointed when I told her that they have this in Ikea.

So she ordered this cake, which wasn't exactly what she wanted.  We all had a slice and then gave the rest to the staff to finish.  The strawberries were in season and so delicious, but the cake was a little disappointing.  It was a lot of cream, but not enough cake.  There was another treat she wanted and any time she brought it up, people acted like she asked to eat their baby.  Apparently, it's only available at a certain time of year and can't be made any other time of year. 

For our last breakfast, we asked if we could have Swedish pancakes, which is not a typical breakfast for them. This is the breakfast table.  The pancakes and fresh strawberries were delicious!

We had different flights to Iceland, and I was not leaving until 5 pm, so my last day in Stockholm, I took a train to a different part of town.  We were told this was the hipster part of the city.  When we talked to the people at the hotel about that, one guy rolled his eyes and said it was the most expensive part of the city.  Which means it probably is, in fact, the hipster part of the city.   

This is a bakery that I wanted to try.  They have one in NYC now, too.  I heard some Americans going in after me and someone said, "I'll get one for us to share" and there were about four of them.  Meanwhile, we usually bought three or four things to share.

This is the "sugar bulle."  pretty creative name, right?

View from across the river 


shaunacd said...

Love food pictures

Valerie said...

I want to eat ALL of the things!

Jill said...

They have them at IKEA!?! I did not know that