Monday, July 6, 2015

Cape Cod

My good friends Lara and Candace invited me to join then during their week in Cape Cod. On July 3, I woke up at 5 am and took the subway to the bus station, bus to Boston, taxi to ferry station and then the ferry to Provincetown. From the pier in P-Town, we could walk to their house. It sounded like a nightmare but actually turned out to be just fine and I arrived by 2:30. 

Ferry ride out of Boston 

Arriving in Provincetown 

The cottage where we are staying 

Beach on a cloudy day. We almost had the whole thing to ourselves. 

Low tide 

Digging a giant hole 

What sun? 

1 comment:

shaunacd said...

Nightmare trip or not, it was a long trip. Was the whole weekend, overcast? I hope not. That last picture of you with the hat, very nice!!