Monday, October 18, 2010


Okay, this show is so clearly not filmed in NYC, but this episode did get some things right.

So, they say that you are not a true New Yorker unless you have 1) seen Woody Allen, 2) cried on the subway, 3) stolen a taxi from someone, 4) smashed a cockroach with your bare hand.

I'm going to agree with some of those, but really....? No one uses their bare hands to kill a cock roach. That's just gross. And people who hang out on the East side might see Woody Allen, but since I don't, I'm going to say that I can still be a real New Yorker despite not seeing him by being a snob about what neighborhoods I prefer (West side). Plus, I see famous people all the time that no one else even notices, so I'm taking a free pass on that one. I actually stole a cab very recently, but Jill and I really needed it so I can't imagine that the other person needed it more than us. And crying on the subway...? Several times, also very recently.

So, to all my peeps out there.... I would like to hear from you what you think makes you a real New Yorker! I always say the crying one, so Lily took mine, but I want to hear yours! Please post in the comments section.


Esther said...

How about if you have a bathtub or shower in your kitchen? Or if you turned your closet into a nursery? Or if you keep your sweaters in the oven? Or if you would rather die than go to Times Square? Or if you've seen someone urniate in public in the last two weeks?

Marci said...

Uhm, I don't know if I should admit this but I do smash roaches with my bare hands. I figure if I don't they'll get away and live to procreate another day. Gross, I know. My kids say that all the time.

I think true New Yorkers have: rented a ZipCar, gotten into an argument with a cop about a ticket, and fought with someone over a parking spot.

Kathy said...

Sadly, I have killed a cockroach with my bare hands. Its a rather gross story, I'll spare you. How do you know you're a New Yorker? When you go to another city and feel like everyone/everything is moving in slow motion. Or when you routinely stand halfway out in the street at any intersection. The crying on the subway is always a good one. I saw that HIMYM episode and I thought it was funny when Lily was on the train and said "I grew up here, I speak conductor". So understanding the conductor is another good one. But most of all I think I feel most like a New Yorker when there's a crisis (like the blackout, 9/11. metro strike, etc.) and everyone just pulls together to get through it. It makes me proud to be a New Yorker.

Esther said...

Okay a few more: If you've looked down and realized every single thing you are wearing is black, if you've ever carried shopping bags into a movie theater, or on a related note, if, on average, you are carrying at least 1-2 shopping bags. Building on what Marci said, if routinely go out to move your car to the other side of the street. Also, if a taxi has ever zoomed by you less than 6 inches from your body at 40 mph while you are crossing a street. If you refuse to go out to dinner because there are more than four people. If you go mental because your favorite restaurant is highlighted on a "best of" list or TV show (such as Ellen). And, if you've ever had your laundry delivered. Oh, and if you've been honked at repeatedly just because you are walking down a street pulling a suitcase.

Kendra Leigh said...

If you routinely have your groceries delivered, or if you go to the grocery store every. single. day. If you've been hit (or nearly) by a taxi (Matt has). If you spend 3 hours at the playground every day- even when it's 40 degrees (I guess that's more specific to parents in NY). And if you plan an hour to travel 5 miles.

shaunacd said...

I'd have to go along with the one where everything seems to be in slow motion after you've left NY. Of course, I do live in Moab Utah, everything is fast compared to here.