Monday, March 6, 2023

Bali part 1


In the fall, I went to Bali with some friends.  It was a landmark birthday for one of my friends and when I asked what she wanted to do, she said wanted to go to Bali.  It doesn't take much for me to be convinced to travel someplace new.  Here are some pictures of our first day at the hotel.  

This is a little church that has a clear view straight through to the ocean.  We saw a wedding happening here one evening.  

These little alters are built all over the island, including this one at the hotel.  

The next day, we were heading north, so we stopped at the Uluwatu Temple.  

This is the temple  built high on the cliff "between Heaven and earth."  

On the way out, we caught a glimpse of some monkeys.  


shaunacd said...

Bali!!! Yeah!!!! I'm wondering how hot it is.

shaunacd said...

So beautiful. it must have been hot a humid to be so green. You have seen some fabulous things Sonya.