Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Working from "home"

 I have been going into the office a few days a week, but pretty soon, we will have to go back in all the time.  So I decided to go to SF for a week and work from there, instead.  

Here's the Air bnb we rented for the week,

Julia got the better room, so I decided this would be my work space.  I set myself up on that desk and had my work calls in front of the beautiful windows.  

We thought we would do some cooking here, but we only made eggs for breakfast.  It was nice to be able to bring dinner leftovers home and reheat them the following day for lunch a few times.

The first day we rented these little "go cars" and drove through the city.  Believe it or not, we drove these little things on regular streets.  There was a GPS system in the car that gave us directions and pointed out sights in the city.  I would never have chosen to do this, but Julia said that it was the #1 thing to do, according to Trip Advisor so....

Lots of views of the bridge.  I don't remember being very impressed with the bridge the first time I went there 20 years ago, but this time, I was super impressed.  

Notice the "Painted Ladies" in the background of this picture. 

More to come...


Valerie said...


shaunacd said...

It looks so beautiful. I'm glad you had a good trip and a good friend to do it with.