Monday, May 3, 2021

Spring break, part 2

 Next stop was to Moab to visit my parents.  My first day there, a nice stranger that my mom knows took me on a hike to a new place.  when she told me she was taking me to Corona Arch, I told my parents where we were going but then I thought, "Did I make that up?  Is it really called Corona or do I just have corona on my mind because of the virus?"  But it really is called Corona Arch.

This is it

Bowtie Arch

Pinto Arch


Here are some big horn sheep


Valerie said...

So great to find all the hidden arches!

shaunacd said...

Mmmmmmm lots of arches I've never seen. You have to like hiking to really see the sights in Moab. Yes, my friend is a good person, enjoys hiking in spite of having knee replacements a few years ago.