Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Urban Garden -- the finale

This morning, I picked the last four tomatoes off one of my plants to let them ripen on my counter. The other one (red) I picked a week ago from the other plant. So, here's my bumper crop of tomatoes! The total, I think, was 10 tomatoes. I'm not sure it was worth it. I had this vision of being able to make lots of good stuff and also give tons away, like my mom always did. I did give two away, but I really only got one tomato at a time. Now I have to figure out what to do with the dirt. It seems like something I should return to the earth instead of just dumping in the garbage, but that means hauling it to Ft. Tryon park. Any suggestions?


Sally said...

I didn't know you had a blog turkey! :) Now I can blog stalk you!

And I can't believe I dug through 11 bags of garbage either but when you're a poor teacher...you do crazy things!

One Sassy Princess said...

bring it indoors and plant herbs in the windowsill (sp?). Green onions aka chives do pretty well as well as parsley. Basil is always nice to plant as well!

Valerie said...

Are you kidding? Do it again NEXT year!

shaunacd said...

the comment from sassy princess sounds good to me. You could also just leave it on the fire escape, then in spring loosen up the soil and plant again. Proud of you.

Sara M said...

Save it for next spring- keep a couple of the seeds from the tomatoes you have there and start again.